House Prices
Holford Road

8Holford RoadLondonNW3 1AD

Overview of 8Holford RoadLondon

Updated May 2024

8, Holford Road, London is located in the borough of Camden and is a freehold house, with 6 bedrooms split across 7,169 square feet of gross internal area and has a garden.

It sits on the street Holford Road, London, NW3.

In fair condition the estimated sale price of this property is £11,251,917 with a rental price of £28,524 per month giving an expected yield of 3%.

Over the last 12 months 8, Holford Road, London has seen its sale price increase by £164,339 and its rental price increase by £1430.

This property is the 3rd largest and the 3rd most expensive property out of 27 properties in Holford Road, London, NW3. It is £9.851m more expensive than the average property in NW3.

Sale estimate
Rental estimate
£28,524 pcm
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Price range for 8, Holford Road, London

If this property was in very good condition it would have a sale value of £11,814,513 and rental value of £29,950.

If the property was in need of a lot of cosmetic work the sale value would be £10,464,283 and rental value of £26,527.

Price of 8, Holford Road, London, NW3 1AD in different conditions
The better the condition, the higher the value!
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Previous sold prices for 8, Holford Road, London

Land Registry Sold Prices
8, Holford Road, London

The property was last sold in 05 Jun 2018 for £8,000,000 and since then the market for similar properties has increased by 13.5%. The property has had a total of 1 sales since 1995.

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Energy Efficiency for 8, Holford Road, London

This property has an Energy Performance Rating (EPC) of C. This is based on the last assessment that was dated 24 Jun 2013.

The property is connected to mains gas and has fully double glazed windows and is heated using a boiler with both radiators and underfloor heating.

Energy performancen band for 8, Holford Road, London, NW3 1AD
Latest EPC

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*Based on the latest published Land Registry sold prices.

Demographic Data
Local area around 8, Holford Road, London

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Schools around 8, Holford Road, London

The nearest primary school is Christ Church Primary School, Hampstead which is 0.1km away and is rated Outstanding by Ofsted. The nearest secondary school is William Ellis School which is 1.8km away and is rated Good by Ofsted.


Public transport options for 8, Holford Road, London

The closest station to 8, Holford Road, London is Hadley Wood station which is 0.2km away.

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