House Prices
East of England

Central Bedfordshire

A Guide to House Prices in Central Bedfordshire

Updated May 2024

Central Bedfordshire contains 25 postcode districts comprising a total of 377,762 properties. The average property price is £438,295 which has increased by 0.4% over the last twelve months. During this time rental prices have increased by 4.7% for an average rental price of £1,716 per calendar month.

12 month sale price change
Sale price change
(12 months)
12 month rental price change
Rental price change
(12 months)
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Sales Prices in Central Bedfordshire

The average sale price in Central Bedfordshire is £438,295 and prices range from £265,262in LU1 to £937,814 in AL5.

This chart shows how the area has performed as a whole over the last ten years as well as the worst and best performing districts in that time.

10 y
12 m
6 m
Best performing district
Central Bedfordshire
Worst performing district
10 y
12 m
6 m
Worst performing district
Central Bedfordshire
Best performing district

Rental Prices in Central Bedfordshire

The average rental price in Central Bedfordshire is £1,716 per calendar month and prices range from £1,155 in LU1 to £3,182 in AL5.

This chart shows how the region has performed as a whole over the last ten years as well as the worst and best performing districts in that time.

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Postcode Districts in Central Bedfordshire

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A selection of villages in Central Bedfordshire

In order of the most recent 12 month's sales change. Browse on our map for more detailed analysis with colourful heatmaps.

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